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1.1 Background
This manual, "Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Disposal at
Island, Nearshore, or Upland Confined Disposal Facilities - Testing Manual,"
commonly referred to as the Upland Testing Manual or UTM, is a resource
document providing technical guidance for evaluation of potential contaminant
migration pathways from confined disposal facilities (CDFs).1
A CDF is an engineered structure consisting of dikes or other structures that
extend above any adjacent water surface and enclose a disposal area for
containment of dredged material, isolating the dredged material from adjacent
waters or land (USACE/EPA 1992).2 Approximately 300 million cubic yards of
material is dredged annually in the United States to maintain navigation, but only
5 to 10 percent of that total volume is deemed unsuitable for conventional open
water disposal because of potential contaminant impacts. Disposal of dredged
material in CDFs is one of the most commonly considered alternatives for such
material. CDFs are also an option commonly considered for disposal of
contaminated sediments dredged for purposes of sediment remediation, either as
temporary rehandling sites or for final disposal. CDFs are also used for disposal
of clean sediments where other options are too costly or present additional
environmental problems. From a technical standpoint, the procedures in this
manual are equally applicable to both navigation dredging (or dredging activities
of essentially the same character as navigation dredging, such as dredging soft-
bottom flood control channels or reservoirs) and contaminated sediment
remediation projects.
If contaminated sediments are placed in a CDF, consideration of pathways for
migration of contaminants from the site and potential contaminant impacts may be
required. A suite of evaluation procedures and laboratory test procedures has
been developed to evaluate CDF contaminant pathways. These procedures are
presented in detail in this manual. Some of these procedures and tests have been
field verified and are now in general use, while others are newly developed and
field verification is underway or planned.
A glossary of terms related to CDFs is provided in Appendix A.
References for this manual are listed at the end of each chapter.
Chapter 1
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