![]() Impacts associated with beneficial site use or beneficial use of dredged
material removed from CDFs.1
1.4.3 Relationship to Other Dredged Material Management Efforts
The USACE and EPA have long recognized the need for a consistent
technical framework for decision-making regarding alternatives for dredged
material management (Engler et al. 1988; Francingues et al. 1985; Wright and
Saunders 1990). The UTM was developed by the USACE to supplement a series
of guidance documents developed by EPA and the USACE in response to that
recognition. The complete set of guidance documents consists of:
"Evaluating Environmental Effects of Dredged Material Management
Alternatives - A Technical Framework" (USACE/EPA 1992), commonly
referred to as the Technical Framework. The Technical Framework
articulates those factors (including the potential for and degree of
contaminant-related impacts) to be considered in identifying the
environmental effects of dredged material management alternatives on a
continuum from uplands to oceans, and which meet the substantive and
procedural requirements of applicable laws and regulations. The UTM
and the testing manuals for open water disposal alternatives described
below are all consistent with and support the Technical Framework by
providing detailed procedures for assessment of contaminant-related
"Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Ocean Disposal Testing
Manual" (EPA/USACE 1991), commonly referred to as the "Green
Book," Ocean Testing Manual, or OTM. Dredged material transported
for purposes of disposal in the ocean is regulated under the Marine
Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA), commonly referred
to as the Ocean Dumping Act. The OTM contains guidance for the
evaluation of potential contaminant-related environmental impacts of the
ocean disposal of dredged material (regulated under Section 103 of the
MPRSA) through chemical, physical, and biological evaluations. The
OTM procedures evaluate the suitability of dredged material for disposal
at ocean sites, focusing on potential contaminant-related water column
and benthic effects.
"Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Discharge in Waters of the
U.S. Testing Manual" (EPA/USACE 1998), commonly referred to as
the Inland Testing Manual (ITM). Dredged material placed in waters of
The procedures in the UTM are aimed at evaluation of CDFs as disposal options for
dredged material. It is recognized that various natural habitats will often become
established on inactive CDFs. Other CDFs may be intentionally managed to provide or
encourage certain beneficial site uses or beneficial use of the dredged material, along with
their primary function as disposal options for dredged material. Even though the
approach and procedures in the UTM are not structured to evaluate specific beneficial site
uses, they may be applicable for such evaluations within other frameworks for evaluation
of beneficial site use.
Chapter 1
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