![]() A well-designed sampling plan is essential to the collection, preservation, and
storage of samples so that potential toxicity and bioaccumulation can be
accurately assessed. The implementation of such a plan is equally essential for
dredged material, control material, and reference material.
2.3.6 Statistical Considerations
A number of the pathway evaluations require comparison of test results with
standards or reference material test results. Statistical significance should be
considered in making such comparisons. The need for statistical comparisons is
stated as appropriate in the respective pathway chapters, and additional detail on
statistical methods applicable for the evaluations in the UTM is presented in
Appendix L.
2.4 References
Cura, J., Heiger-Berneys, W., Bridges, T., and Moore, D. (2001). "Ecological and
human health risk assessment guidance for aquatic environments," Technical
Report DOER-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,
Vicksburg, MS.
Cura, J., Wickwire, T., and McArlde, M. "Ecological and human health risk
assessment guidance for terrestrial environments," DOER Technical Report
(in preparation), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,
Vicksburg, MS.
Environmental Protection Agency/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (1995).
"QA/QC guidance for sampling and analysis of sediments, water, and tissues
for dredged material evaluations - chemical evaluations," EPA 823-B-95-001,
Office of Water, Washington, DC.
Environmental Protection Agency. (1998). "Guidelines for ecological risk
assessment," EPA/630/R-95/002F. Office of Research and Development,
Washington, DC.
Landis, W. G., Matthews, R. A., Markeiwicz, A. J., and Matthews, G. B. (1993).
"Multivariate analysis of the impacts of the turbine fuel JP-4 in a microcosm
toxicity test with implications for the evaluation of ecosystem dynamics and
risk assessment," Ecotoxicology 2, 271-300.
Moore, D. W., Bridges, T. S., and Cura, J. (1998). "Use of risk assessment in
dredging and dredged material management," Technical Note DOER-R1,
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Chapter 2 Structure and Approach of the UTM
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