![]() concerning the need for management actions may be made at Tier I. Potential
sources of available information include the following, without limitation:
Results of prior physical, chemical, and biological tests and monitoring of
the material proposed to be disposed.
Information describing the source of the material to be disposed which
would be relevant to the identification of potential COC.
Existing data contained in files of agencies such as EPA or USACE or
otherwise available from public or private sources. Examples of sources
from which relevant information might be obtained include:
Selected Chemical Spill Listing (EPA)
Pesticide Spill Reporting System (EPA)
Pollution Incident Reporting System (United States Coast Guard)
Identification of In-Place Pollutants and Priorities for Removal (EPA)
Hazardous waste sites and management facilities reports (EPA)
USACE studies of sediment pollution and sediments
Federal STORET, BIOS, CETIS, and ODES databases (EPA)
Water and sediment data on major tributaries (Geological Survey)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit
Agencies with COC or related information, for instance, Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), regional planning commissions, state
resource/survey agencies
CWA 404(b)(1) evaluations
Pertinent and applicable research reports
MPRSA 103 evaluations
Port and marina authorities
Records of State agencies, (e.g., environmental, water survey,
transportation, health)
Superfund sites, hazardous waste sites
Chapter 3
Initial Evaluations
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