![]() 1. Information is sufficient to reach a decision. This is the case when WQS
exist for all COC and are met for all COC after consideration of mixing.
No further effluent evaluations are necessary.
2. Information is not sufficient to reach a decision. This is the case when
WQS are exceeded for one or more COC after consideration of mixing.
Conduct the effluent equilibrium partitioning screen (Section 4.3.2), and/
or if applicable WQS are not available or there is concern about
interactive effects, go to the Tier III toxicity evaluation.
4.3.2 Tier II - Effluent Quality Screen - Equilibrium Partitioning
The second Tier II evaluation for effluent is based on equilibrium partitioning
principles and conservative (i.e., err on the side of environmental protection)
application of design and operating principles for CDFs (Schroeder, Olin Estes,
and Palermo in preparation). The equilibrium partitioning screen is based on the
maximum COC concentrations that could possibly result from the dredged
material effluent, considering the concentrations of dredged material solids in the
ponded water and effluent, the bulk concentration of contaminants in the dredged
material, the initial mixing of effluent in receiving waters, and applicable WQS.
Separate procedures are available for evaluating effluent releases from both
mechanically dredged and hydraulically dredged or offloaded sediments.
The effluent equilibrium partitioning procedure utilizes an electronic
spreadsheet for the calculations. Project-specific information regarding the method
and rate of CDF filling and dredged material properties is entered in the
appropriate cells of the effluent tab of the spreadsheet. The evaluation uses these
data and default values for pertinent variables to calculate a predicted maximum
effluent concentration of contaminants. The results are compared to WQS. The
spreadsheet, along with documentation, can be downloaded as an Automated
Dredging and Disposal Alternatives Modeling System (ADDAMS) module from
the USACE DOTS website at www.wes.army.mil/el/dots. If desired, equations for
performing the calculations manually are also available (Schroeder, Olin-Estes,
and Palermo in preparation).
4.3.3 Tier II Effluent Decisions
After consideration of the Tier II effluent equilibrium partitioning evaluation,
one of the following conclusions is reached (Figure 4-2).
1. Information is sufficient to reach a decision regarding effluent quality. In
this case either:
a. WQS exist for all COC and are met for all COC after consideration of
mixing. No further effluent evaluations are necessary.
b. WQS are exceeded for one or more COC after consideration of
mixing, and information is sufficient such that management actions
should be considered. A decision to implement management actions
for effluent, such as operational modification or effluent treatment,
Chapter 4
Effluent During Disposal Operations
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