![]() 5.4 Tier III Runoff Water Quality and Toxicity
If Tier III is entered from Tier II because there was not sufficient information
to make a decision about WQS, the evaluation of runoff water quality should
proceed as described in Sections 5.4.1 through 5.4.5. If Tier III is entered from
Tier II because of the absence of applicable WQS or because of concern about
interactive effects, the evaluation of runoff toxicity should proceed as described in
Sections 5.4.6 through 5.4.8.
5.4.1 Tier III - Runoff Simulation Approaches
Two laboratory tests are available in Tier III for prediction of runoff quality, the
Simplified Laboratory Runoff Procedure (SLRP) and the Rainfall Simulator/
Lysimeter System (RSLS). The SLRP is a simple and cost-effective batch
extraction test for runoff quality prediction. The RSLS is a more costly,
time-consuming, and logistically demanding test in that it requires use of a
mechanical rainfall simulator and a large volume sediment sample exposed in a soil
bed (lysimeter) to a simulated rainfall runoff event. The SLRP is a more
conservative test procedure than the RSLS with respect to the predicted contaminant
release to the dissolved phase because the procedure exposes all particles in the test
sample to the extraction, while the RSLS only exposes the surface of the sediment
sample to the runoff simulation. Since the RSLS makes use of a simulator and
large-scale movable soil bed, it provides a more accurate simulation of runoff quality
by accounting for field conditions such as rainfall intensity, CDF slope, surface
exposure to runoff, and dredged material profile conditions to include crust
formation and cracking. Based on these considerations, the recommended
approach for Tier III runoff evaluations is to conduct the SLRP procedure
initially. If more accurate data are considered necessary prior to a decision, the
RSLS procedure can then be conducted.
5.4.2 Tier III - Simplified Laboratory Runoff Procedure (SLRP)
The SLRP is a predictive laboratory test consisting of an oxidation and
suspension simulation of the runoff generated within the CDF (Figure 5-3). The
occurrence of precipitation events on freshly placed dredged material will
normally produce water quality similar to the effluent during disposal and
dewatering operations. However, differences in carrier water (receiving water vs.
precipitation) and other exposure characteristics prevent the effluent data from
being used to predict precipitation runoff at this time. The SLRP also evaluates
potential oxidation and increased solubility of metals resulting from long-term
drying of dredged material.
Depending on the basis of applicable WQS, the prediction of the quality of
runoff from CDFs accounts for the dissolved concentration of contaminants and
may also consider that fraction associated with the released total suspended solids.
Although total contaminants in runoff are generally not required for water quality
comparisons, these data can be determined by analysis of unfiltered SLRP
Chapter 5
Surface Runoff After Disposal Operations
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