![]() 6.4.4 Tier III - Groundwater Modeling
Leachate testing provides data regarding the water quality of leachate as it
migrates from the dredged material at the bottom or sides of the CDF. Leachate
pathway evaluations should also consider leachate attenuation, mixing, and
dispersion to determine leachate impacts on a receptor. A variety of groundwater
attenuation and/or mixing or dispersion models are available for this purpose.
These include one-dimensional (1-D) models which simulate vertical migration
and attenuation processes. There are also multidimensional models which may be
used to simulate more complex groundwater flow conditions. Any validated
groundwater model can be used to evaluate CDF leachate attenuation. The
models presented below have been successfully applied to CDF leachate
HELPQ Model for CDF and Vadose Zone. The HELPQ application (Aziz
and Schroeder 1999a, b) of the ADDAMS suite of computer programs (Schroeder
and Palermo 1995) provides a computer program to assist in evaluation of the fate
of leachate as the leachate migrates from the dredged material to the receptors.
HELPQ is the only available leachate attenuation model specifically developed for
evaluation of the CDF leachate pathway.
The HELPQ program accepts data from the leachate tests (such as SBLT or
PCLT) to predict leachate generation and attenuation. Leachate quality and
quantity are predicted as a function of time and location in the vadose zone. The
leachate quality can be compared with applicable water quality standards for
leachate at the appropriate point of compliance. The HELPQ application, along
with documentation, can be downloaded from the USACE DOTS web site at
HELPQ has a quasi-two-dimensional (2-D) hydrologic water budget model
that accounts for the effects of surface storage, runoff, infiltration, percolation,
evapotranspiration, soil moisture storage, lateral drainage to leachate collection
systems, and percolation through liners (Aziz and Schroeder 1999a, b). HELPQ
can model cover soils, dredged material, liner systems, and foundation soils down
to the saturated zone. Alternative scenarios can be selected and evaluated using
the HELPQ model to estimate percolation rates and to compare management
actions. Scenarios which may be evaluated include:
1. Land farming with different lift depths.
2. Different lift depths inside CDFs with no engineering controls other than
routine operation and management for drainage of surface runoff.
3. Extensive CDF management with leachate collection system and a
composite liner (Lee et al. 1992; Brannon, Myers, and Price 1992).
The HELPQ model is developed based on contaminant mass balance and
utilizes the principle of conservation of mass as it applies to the sediment solids,
the percolating fluid (leachate), and the contaminants dissolved in the fluid and
associated with the sediment solids. The hydrologic modeling for contaminant
Chapter 6
Leachate to Groundwater
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