![]() earthworms in the Tier II evaluation animal bioaccumulation in the UTM.
Methods for TBP calculations with metals and polar organic compounds are under
development and may be added to this manual in the future.
It is useful to calculate the TBP for nonpolar organic COC, because it may
show these compounds are not bioavailable and thus do not warrant further
evaluation in higher tiers. If further evaluation of any nonpolar organic COC is
warranted, TBP provides an indication of the magnitude of bioaccumulation that
may occur.
Nonpolar organic chemicals include all organic compounds that do not
dissociate or form ions. This includes the chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides,
many other halogenated hydrocarbons, PCBs, many PAHs including all the
priority pollutant PAHs, dioxins, and furans. It does not include metals and metal
compounds, organic acids or salts, or organometallic complexes such as tributyltin
or methyl mercury.
The environmental distribution of nonpolar organic chemicals is controlled
largely by their solubility in various media. Therefore, in sediments they tend to
occur primarily in association with organic matter (Karickhoff 1981). In
organisms they are found primarily in the body fats or lipids (Konemann and
van Leeuwen 1980; Geyer et al. 1982; Mackay 1982; Bierman 1990).
8.3.1 Tier II Theoretical Bioaccumulation Potential Procedure
Bioaccumulation of nonpolar organic compounds from dredged material can
be estimated from the organic carbon content of the material, the lipid content of
the organism, and the relative affinities of the chemical for sediment organic
carbon and animal lipid content. The TBP calculation assumes that various lipids
in different organisms and organic carbon in different sediments are similar and
have similar distributional properties. Other simplifying assumptions are that
chemicals are freely exchanged between the sediments and tissues and that
compounds behave conservatively. In reality, compound size and structure may
influence accumulation, and portions of organic compounds present on suspended
particulates may have kinetic or structural barriers to availability. Another
important assumption implicit in the TBP calculations is that there is no metabolic
degradation or biotransformation of the chemical. Organic carbon normalized
contaminant concentrations are used such that the sediment-associated chemical
can be characterized as totally bioavailable to the organism. Calculations based
on these assumptions yield an environmentally protective (e.g., overestimate) TBP
value for the dredged material if the dredged material in question is the only
source of the contaminant for the organism. Note that TBP calculations are not
valid for sediments or soils with total organic carbon (TOC) content less than or
equal to 0.2 percent.
For each nonpolar organic COC, TBP is calculated for the dredged material
and the reference material according to the guidance in Appendix G. The TBP of
the dredged material is compared statistically to the reference TBP to determine
Chapter 8
Animal Bioaccumulation
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