![]() 2. Management actions should be considered. A decision to implement
management actions for animal bioaccumulation by interrupting complete
exposure routes to ROC populations outside the CDF may require more
detailed information prior to design of such actions.
8.6 Animal Bioaccumulation Management Actions
When there is concern about the potential for effects related to animal
bioaccumulation, management actions related to the design, operation, and
management of the CDF may be considered. In general, anything that interrupts a
complete exposure route to ROC populations outside the CDF may act as an
effective control of animal bioaccumulation. Therefore, the evaluation that
identifies complete exposure routes will often also provide ideas for management
actions that interrupt them. Additional information on management actions and
references for detailed guidance on such actions are found in Chapter 10 of this
8.7 References
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). (1997). "Standard guide for
conducting laboratory soil toxicity or bioaccumulation tests with the
lumbriced earthworm eisenia fetida," ASTM SE-1676, West Conshohocken,
Bierman, V. J. (1990). "Equilibrium partitioning and biomagnification of organic
chemicals in benthic animals," Environ. Sci. Technol. 24, 1407-1412.
Cura, J., Wickwire, T., and McArlde, M. "Ecological and human health risk
assessment guidance for terrestrial environments," DOER Technical Report
(in preparation), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,
Vicksburg, MS.
Geyer, H., Sheehan, P., Kotzias, D., and Korte, F. (1982). "Predictions of
ecological behavior of chemicals: Relationship between physico-chemical
properties and bioaccumulation of organic chemicals in the mussel Mytilus
edulis," Chemosphere 11, 1121-1134.
Karickhoff, S. (1981). "Semi-empirical estimation of sorption of hydrophobic
pollutants on natural sediments and soils," Chemosphere 9, 3-10.
Konemann, H., and van Leeuwen, K. (1980). "Toxicokinetics in fish:
Accumulation and elimination of six chlorobenzenes by guppies,"
Chemosphere 9 (1), 3-19.
Mackay, D. (1982). "Correlation of bioconcentration factors," Environ. Sci.
Technol. 5, 274-278.
Chapter 8
Animal Bioaccumulation
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