![]() 9.4.3 Tier III - Plant Bioaccumulation Decision
After consideration of the Tier III plant bioaccumulation information in the
context of the conceptual site model and the complete exposure routes to ROC
populations outside the CDF, one of the following conclusions is reached.
1. Bioaccumulation from the dredged material is not statistically greater than
bioaccumulation from the reference material. No further evaluation of
plant bioaccumulation is necessary.
2. Bioaccumulation from the dredged material is statistically greater than
bioaccumulation from the reference material. Therefore the magnitude of
potential effects on ROC populations outside the CDF must be
considered, leading to a conclusion that either:
a. There is little potential for effects on ROC populations outside the
CDF. No further evaluation of plant bioaccumulation is necessary.
b. Effects on ROC populations outside the CDF are likely, and
management actions should be considered. A decision to implement
management actions for plant bioaccumulation by interrupting
complete exposure routes to ROC populations outside the CDF may
require more detailed information prior to design of such actions. If
management actions are selected, no further evaluation of plant
bioaccumulation is necessary.
c. Information is not sufficient to reach a decision regarding plant
bioaccumulation. Further evaluation in Tier IV, or management
actions as an alternative to further evaluation, should be considered.
A decision to implement management actions for plant
bioaccumulation by interrupting complete exposure routes to ROC
populations outside the CDF may require more detailed information
prior to design of such actions. If management actions are selected,
no further evaluation of plant bioaccumulation is necessary.
9.5 Tier IV Plant Bioaccumulation Risk
9.5.1 Evaluation
The elimination of incomplete exposure pathways in Tier I and the
elimination of COC that do not bioaccumulate to levels causing effects to ROC
populations outside the CDF in Tiers II and III should have resolved most plant
bioaccumulation issues for most dredged materials. Tier IV is intended to answer
whatever specific, well-defined technical questions may remain unanswered after
thorough evaluation in earlier tiers. If earlier tiers are used properly, Tier IV
should rarely be necessary for navigation projects (Sections 2.1.4 and 2.1.5).
Chapter 9
Plant Bioaccumulation
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