![]() 10.4 Treatment of Dredged Material Solids
Various treatment processes have been investigated for dredged material
treatment, including biological, chemical, extraction, immobilization, and thermal
processes. Dredged material may be treated at a temporary rehandling facility,
with the treated material subsequently transported to an ultimate disposal facility.
Treatment can also be considered for a smaller portion of the total volume of
material to create stabilized material for use in constructing liners, covers, etc.
A variety of process options are potentially available for each type of
technology; however, prior to recent demonstration programs and Superfund
cleanups, only a limited number of treatment technologies had actually been
applied on a pilot scale or full scale. The base of experience for treatment of
contaminated sediment is still very limited.
10.5 Guidance for CDF Management Actions
Guidance for design, construction, and operation of CDF contaminant
controls is available in Engineer Manual 1110-2-5027 (HQUSACE 1987),
USACE Environmental Effects of Dredging Programs (EEDP) technical notes
(http://www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/eedptn.html), and USACE Dredging Operations
and Environmental Research (DOER) technical notes (http://www.wes.army.mil/
el/dots/doer/technote.html). EPA guidance on control measures is also available
(USEPA 1994). All available information on CDF controls is also being
incorporated in a combined Engineer Manual 1110-2-5028, Dredging and
Dredged Material Management (HQUSACE in preparation), which is to be
published on the internet and periodically updated. These references contain
testing procedures and criteria needed for evaluating and selecting appropriate
contaminant control measures for CDFs and should be consulted for additional
detailed discussions of the attributes of the various technologies.
10.6 References
Averett, D. E., Perry, B. D., and Torrey, E. J. (1990). "Review of removal,
containment and treatment technologies for remediation of contaminated
sediment in the Great Lakes," Miscellaneous Paper EL-90-25, U.S. Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Cullinane, J., Averett, D., Shafer, R., Male, J., Truitt, C., and Bradbury, M.
(1986). "Guidelines for selecting control and treatment options for
contaminated dredged material requiring restrictions," Report prepared for the
U.S. Army Engineer District, Seattle, Puget Sound Dredged Disposal
Analysis, by the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS.
Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (1987). "Confined disposal of
dredged material," Engineer Manual 1110-2-5027, Washington, DC.
Chapter 10
CDF Contaminant Management Actions
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