![]() d. Distilled or deionized water.
C.2.2 Procedure
Step 1. Sediment Preparation. Sediment core or grab samples are
normally collected from the proposed dredging site for evaluation of various
contaminant pathways. These may be composited into one bulk sediment or
composited according to horizontal and/or vertical position. The SLRP
procedure must be conducted on each composite considered for separate upland
placement. No more than a 22-L and a minimum 13.2-L volume of each
composite to be tested is required. The sediment should be stored in a sealed
polyurethane bucket at 4 EC until ready to conduct the SLRP procedure. Prior
to removing sediment from the bucket, it should be thoroughly mixed using a
stainless steel electric mixer. Sufficient samples to conduct the SLRP evaluation
can then be removed from the container. Prior to conducting the following
analyses, the sediment should be sieved through a 2-mm sieve to remove inert
gravel fractions or other oversize materials.
Step 1a. Sediment Moisture. Three replicate samples (1 to 2 g) of wet
sediment are placed in preweighed aluminum pans and oven-dried at 110 EC for
24 hr. The pans are then removed and reweighed to determine percent water on
a dry weight basis using the formula:
DMDWB = (WW DW /DW) H 100
DMDWB = percent moisture on a dry weight basis
WW = wet weight of sediment
DW = oven dry weight of sediment
100 = conversion to percent
To determine the amount of wet sediment needed to provide a dry weight
equivalent of any given amount, use the formula:
DWeqv = (DWreq H MDWB) + DWreq
DWeqv = amount of wet sediment equal to the dry weight
MDWB = percent moisture on a dry weight basis
DWreq = dry weight sediment required
Step 1b. Air Drying. Approximately 400 g dry weight of wet sediment is
placed in a stainless steel drying pan and air-dried in a greenhouse for 3 weeks to
Appendix C Test Procedures for Surface Runoff Discharges
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