![]() f. 1.2-um glass fiber filters, Type GF/C.
g. 2.7-um glass fiber filters without binders, Type GF/D.
h. Stainless steel vacuum manifold.
i. Clock with second hand.
j. Assorted graduated cylinders (glass, Nalgene, 100 to 2,500 L in size).
k. Assorted glassware.
l. Meters: pH, conductivity.
m. Analytical balance (0.0001 accuracy).
n. Nine 4-L glass bottles w/teflon caps.
o. Numerous Nalgene and glass containers for sample submission.
Prior to use, all glassware should be thoroughly cleaned. Wash all glassware
with detergent, rinse five times with tap water, place in a clean bath for a minimum
of 4 hr, rinse five times with tap water, and then rinse five times with distilled or
deionized water.
a. Concentrated nitric acid
b. Other preservation reagents as required
c. Distilled or deionized water
Rainfall Simulator/Lysimeter System Description. The RSLS uses a
rotating disk type rainfall simulator modified from a previous design (Morin,
Goldberg, and Seginer 1967). The rainfall simulator incorporates several
features designed to duplicate accurately the drop size distribution and terminal
drop velocities of natural rainfall--a critical factor in erosion and infiltration
studies (Westerdahl and Skogerboe 1982). The lysimeter is an aluminum bin,
4.57 m by 1.22 m (15 ft by 4 ft), and has removable sides so soil or sediment
depth can be increased or decreased in increments of 0.15 m (0.5 ft). The
lysimeter can also be attached to power lifts that can vary the slope from 0 to
20 percent. Generally, runoff tests conducted on dredged material are at a slope
of 1 percent. The lysimeter is wheeled and can be moved from the simulation
bay to the outside, covered with a ventilated transparent top and allowed to air-
dry and oxidize over a 6-month time period, simulating the long-term effects of
aging. This specific RSLS is only available at the WES/ERDC. Other are
available and can be used if they meet the minimum specifications described
Appendix C Test Procedures for Surface Runoff Discharges
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