![]() versus the sediment concentration, q, (y axis) for each leach cycle. Units
for q are mg/Kg and units for C are mg/L. Units for Kd are L/kg.
D.4 Pancake Column Leach Test for Estuarine
The Pancake Column Leach Test (PCLT), used to evaluate potential leachate
quality in estuarine dredged material, serves as a laboratory-scale physical model
of contaminant elution from dredged material that includes advection-dispersion,
colloid, release, and other mass transfer effects. Contaminated sediment is
mixed, weighed, and loaded into the column leach apparatus. DDI1 water is
introduced into the loaded column over an extended time interval. Water flow is
controlled by a constant-volume pump. Leachate samples are collected at
specified time intervals and are analyzed for COC.
D.4.1 Column materials and apparatus
Column Leach Apparatus (Figure D-6)
Kg weighing scale
Two 9/16-in. open-ended wrenches
One 10-in. crescent wrench
Mechanical mixer
Polyethylene beaker (5,000 mL)
Stainless steel spatula, 12 in.
Stainless steel spatula, 6 in.
Polyethylene scoop
Paper towels
Glass fiber filter, 1 micron, 257-mm diam, binder free, (Gelman Type
A/E or equivalent)
Polyethylene gloves
DDI water is the appropriate challenge water when the sediments will be exposed to
freshwater infiltration in the CDF. In some cases, dredging site water may be a more
appropriate challenge water (see Section D.2.5).
Appendix D Leachate Testing Procedures
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