![]() time has been calculated, the next step is to determine the dimensions of the
mixing zone.
Figure E-2. Simplified shape assumed for mixing zone associated with an effluent discharge
The required volume per unit time can also be expressed as:
V A= L d V w
VA = required volume of water per unit time, cfs
L = width of mixing zone at time t, ft
d = depth, ft
Vw = velocity of water at disposal site, ft/sec
Since the depth and water velocity are known or can be measured, the width
of the front edge of the mixing zone can be calculated as:
L= V A
Based on Brooks (1960) and Johnson and Boyd (1975), the time required for
the front edge of the mixing zone to spread laterally to the required width L can
be computed from:
(0.094 L2/3 - 0.149 r 2/3 )
Appendix E Evaluation of Mixing in Surface Waters
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