![]() as follows for the conservative neutral atmospheric stability condition:
σ y = 68
σ z = 33.2
- 1.7
The Gaussian dispersion air quality model has been programmed and will be
available through ADDAMS as the file Gaussian.html to run on Java-script
enabled browsers.
The emission rate and contaminant concentration must be computed for each
volatile contaminant. Based on the standard and background concentration, the
required dispersion to achieve the standard can be computed for each contami-
nant to determine which contaminant requires the greatest dispersion and is the
contaminant of concern for volatilization. The required dispersion factor, D, is
computed as follows:
+ -
D = Co Cb Cx
Cx - Cb
Co = contaminant concentration above background at center of exposed area, mg/m3
Cs = required contaminant concentration, mg/m3
Cb = background contaminant concentration, mg/m3
F.4 References
Price, C., Brannon, J., Myers, T., Valsaraj, K., Thibodeaux, L., and Reible, D.
(1997). "Development of laboratory procedures to predict volatile losses
from contaminated sediments," Environmental Effects of Dredging
Technical Notes EEDP-02-23, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Price, C., Brannon, J., Yost, S., Valsaraj, K., and Ravikrishna, R. (1999).
"Volatile losses from aged field sediments," Environmental Effects of
Dredging Technical Notes EEDP-02-26, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Ravikrishna, R., Valsaraj, K. T., Yost, S., Price, C.B., and Brannon, James, M.
(1998). "Air emissions from exposed, contaminated sediment and dredged
Appendix F Laboratory Evaluation of Volatile Emissions and Volatile Dispersion Modeling
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