![]() tall 50-mL Pyrex glass beakers. Twenty (20) mL of distilled water is added to
each beaker and the mixture is stirred with a polyethylene rod until all particles
are saturated. The mixture is stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 1 min every
15 min for 45 min. After 45 min, the pH electrode is placed into the solution
above the surface of the sediment and the pH is read on a pH meter (Folsom,
Lee, and Bates 1981).
Organic matter. Organic matter (OM) is determined by weight loss on
ignition at 550 οC on air-dried (AD) and air-dried + washed (ADW) sediment.
Procedure No. 209E (American Public Health Association 1976) is used for this
test. A 5-g (ODW) subsample is weighed to the nearest 0.001 g and dried at
105 + E2 C until constant weight (48 hr). Five (5) grams of the oven-dried
sediment is weighed to the nearest 0.001 g and combusted at 550 + 5 EC for
24 hr in a muffle furnace. The sample is allowed to cool to room temperature in
a moisture desiccator and weighed to the nearest 0.001 g. Weight loss on
ignition is calculated and reported as percent OM using the following formula:
((oven dry weight - combusted weight) / oven dry weight) x 100 = %
organic matter
H.2.4 DTPA extraction procedure
Wetland condition. A 50.0-g (ODW to the nearest 0.001 g) subsample of
the wet, unoxidized sediment is weighed into a 500-mL polycarbonate centrifuge
bottle and centrifuged at 4 EC and 9,500 rpm for 30 min. The supernatant is
decanted; pH is determined on the supernatant and represents the saturated
sediment pH. To the sediment remaining in the centrifuge bottle is added
250 mL of 0.005 M DTPA + 0.01 M calcium chloride + 0.1 M triethanolamine
solution (Lee et. al. 1978) buffered at pH 7.3. The bottle is sealed, placed on a
mechanical shaker and centrifuged as before. The supernatant is carefully
poured into a polyethylene bottled and analyzed for metals according to the
methods described in USEPA (1986).
Terrestrial condition. The procedure for the terrestrial condition is the
same as that for the wetland condition except that air-dried sediment is used.
After extractions are complete, samples are stored in polyethylene bottles at 4 οC
until chemical analysis. In addition, an extracting solution blank is also analyzed
and resulting data are subtracted from the test sediment data prior to performing
the following calculation for both the wetland and terrestrial evaluation:
DTPA metal Conc. = (DTPA extracting solution metal conc.) x
(extracting solution vol.) / g of ODW sediment
H.2.5 Prediction of plant bioaccumulation and comparison to
The results of the DTPA extractions along with chemical and physical
sediment characteristics described above are entered into the PUP program as
Appendix H Plant Bioaccumulation Procedures
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