![]() Appendix L
Statistical Methods
L.1 Introduction
This Appendix presents appropriate statistical methods for analyzing data
from confined disposal facility (CDF) pathway testing procedures. The
methodology is not intended to be exhaustive, nor is it intended to be a "cook-
book" approach to data analysis. Statistical analyses are routine only under ideal
experimental conditions. The methods presented here will usually be adequate
for the tests conducted under the conditions specified in this document. An
experienced applied statistician should be consulted whenever there are
The following are examples of departures from ideal experimental
conditions that may require additions to or modifications of the statistical
methods presented in this chapter:
Unequal numbers of experimental organisms assigned to each treatment
container, or loss of organisms during the experiment.
Unequal numbers of replications (e.g., containers or aquaria) of the
Different conditions of salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, etc.,
among exposure chambers.
Differences in placement conditions of the testing containers, or in the
organisms assigned to different treatments.
Contaminant concentration data reported as less than detection limit.
Treatment of nonideal data from dredged sediment evaluations is discussed
at length in Clarke and Brandon (1996).
Statistical analysis of CDF pathway testing data is needed primarily for two
types of biological testsBwater column toxicity and bioaccumulation. The
following statistical procedures will be covered:
Appendix L
Statistical Methods
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