![]() each leach cycle. Linear regression is generally calculated using the method of
least squares and follows the form
Y = aX + b
Y = dependent or response variable
X = independent or predictor variable
a = slope
b = Y-intercept
Linear regression assumes the following:
Y values are statistically independent of one another.
Relationship between Y and X is linear.
Variance of Y is the same for any X (homoscedasticity).
For any fixed value of X, Y has a normal distribution.
As in hypothesis testing, satisfying these assumptions (especially the
assumption of linearity) may require using a data transformation.
Linear regression may be performed using any general-purpose statistical
package; many hand calculators also include regression functions. Data should
always be plotted first in a scattergram to visually inspect for a functional
relationship between the two variables. When regression is used to characterize
the relationship between suspended solids and turbidity, it may be necessary to
use a nonlinear regression model, or to calculate a linear regression only for a
lower, linear portion of the data. Investigators should refer to Thackston and
Palermo (2000) (http://www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer/pdf/doere8.pdf) for
instructions on performing the regression analysis.
When a statistical package is used to calculate the regression analysis, the
strength and validity of the relationship between Y and X can be evaluated by
examining the regression output for the F statistic and its associated P-value, and
regression coefficient (slope) is significantly different from zero, given the above
assumptions. P-values > 0.05 indicate that no significant linear relationship
exists between the two variables. R2 or coefficient of determination is the
proportion or percent of the variability in Y that is explained by X. Like the
correlation coefficient r, strong relationships are indicated by coefficients
approaching 1 (or 100 percent); conversely, low values of R2 signify weak or
nonexistent relationships.
Appendix L
Statistical Methods
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