![]() Power calculations for the example data are performed on the untransformed
data. From Equation L-11, the minimum significant difference (dmin , when t1- =
0) for the parametric LSD test is:
d min = ( t 1-α ,v ) 2MSE/n
UCL = 0.190 + 1.746 (0.003763/5)1/2 = 0.238 g/g, where v = 16 df. SAS
conveniently provides this value as the "Least Significant Difference" in the
GLM or ANOVA procedures when the LSD test is requested (and sample sizes
are equal).
The power of the LSD test for detecting a 100 percent increase in dredged
material bioaccumulation over the mean reference bioaccumulation (i.e., d =
0.066 g/g) can be determined by:
t 1-β ,v = d n/2MSE - t 1-α ,v
= (0.066) [5/2(0.003763)]2 - 1.746 = -0.045, and 1 - for t = -0.045 with 16
df is 0.48. Power values for 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 300 percent increases over
mean reference bioaccumulation are given in the output for SAS program
BIOACC (Section L.4.2.2).
The sample size (n) required to provide a 0.95 probability (1 - = 0.95) of
detecting a 25 percent increase (0.0165 g/g) over the mean reference
bioaccumulation, calculated using the z-approximation (Eq. 9) with MSE
replacing s2, is:
n = 2(1.645 + 1.645)2[0.003763/(0.0165)2] + 0.25(1.645)2 = 300
Using the same equation, to detect a 100 percent increase (0.066 g/g) over
the mean reference bioaccumulation with a power of 0.95, n = 20. Assuming we
are limited to 5 replicates, there is a 0.95 probability of detecting a difference (d)
of 0.135 g/g, which is a 205 percent increase over the mean reference bioac-
cumulation. Other values of d when power = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 0.99 are
given in the output for SAS program BIOACC (Section L.4.2.2).
Less than detection limit data. Statistical procedures for bioaccumulation
data analysis in this Appendix cannot be applied directly in the common
situation where some contaminant concentrations are reported only as less than
some numerical detection limit (DL). The actual concentrations of these
"censored" data (hereafter referred to as nondetects) are unknown and are
presumed to fall between zero and the DL. Whenever possible, laboratories that
analyze contaminant residues should be encouraged to report observed
concentrations below DL (Porter, Ward, and Bell 1988), even though the
precision of these measurements is less than that of above DL measurements.
When below-DL concentrations (sometimes called "J-values") are reported, they
should be used as legitimate data in statistical comparisons. On the other hand,
when bioaccumulation samples include nondetects, the unknown values must be
replaced using a censored data method prior to statistical analysis.
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