![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C10
March 2000
16) Continue with the transfer of the cell lysate into the 96-well luminometer plate as
17) Read the plates on the luminometer. It takes only 5 minutes to read a plate.
18) Print out raw data report in RLU and save data files.
1) Calculate the fold inductions (with standard deviations) for the various
concentrations of TCDD (= TCDD RLU/iso-octane RLU) and test samples
(= sample RLU/iso-octane RLU). The fold induction of iso-octane should be 1
(= iso-octane RLU/iso-octane RLU).
2) Average all the TCDD standard deviations (average σ).
3) Calculate the Limit Of Detection (LOD) by adding 3 times the average standard
deviations to the fold induction of iso-octane (= [3* average σ] + 1).
4) Generate a linear TCDD standard curve (fold induction versus TCDD
concentration (pg/mL)) utilizing only points that are linear. The linear
correlation of TCDD standards below 50 pg/mL is usually better than 0.95.
5) Calculate the TCDD equivalents (pg/mL) for the test samples based on the linear
TCDD standard curve.
6) Convert the sample concentration to obtain pg TCDD equivalents/g sediment
using the information on the volume of extract and dilutions tested, and the
amount of sediment (g) used.
7) Average the values for the different replicates tested for the final value.
8) Any sample tested below the LOD is recorded as below limit of detection (BLD).
Any sample tested above the highest standard used to generate the standard curve
should be diluted appropriately and retested.
1) 000 = Day of year, e.g., 001 is 1 Jan and 233 is 21 Aug.
2) XXX = Project ID, a three-letter designation recorded in the lab notebook.
3) 11 = Plate number analyzed on the day.
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