![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C15
July 2000
Total area cov ered by samples
Average spacing between samples =
Number of samples
At the same time that one must be concerned with having a sufficient number of samples for
estimating, too many samples can be problematic. Computations for estimating procedures such
as kriging become cumbersome with too many samples. This can be addressed by compositing
samples outside the immediate area of the point being estimated. This procedure is further described
in Isaaks and Srivastava (1989).
Ordinary kriging is an unbiased estimating method that is intended to minimize the mean residual
mR, or error, and the variance σ2 of the errors. A probability model in which the bias and the error
variance can be calculated is used, and nearby samples weighted to give mR = 0 and minimize σ2 .
The sample weights will change as unknown values are estimated (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989).
The weighting matrix w is derived by multiplying two matrices (C and D) constructed from a selected
random function model and parameters. The mathematical development of this procedure is
somewhat complicated and the relationship to the physical problem not readily apparent. Simply
described, the matrices are composed of the covariances between sample data points and the point
being estimated. The D matrix "provides a weighting scheme similar to the inverse distance
methods" (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989); the covariance between any sample and the point estimated
decreases as the distance between them increases. The difference between the D matrix and inverse
distance weights is that the covariances can be calculated from a larger family of functions, rather
than being limited to a single form |h|-p (where h is the distance between the points and p is an
arbitrarily selected exponent, as previously described). In effect, the kriging distance can be
considered a statistical distance, rather than the geometric distance of the inverse distance methods
(Isaaks and Srivastava 1989). The C matrix takes into account spatial continuity and redundancy,
automatically providing an adjustment for clustering of data points. Ordinary kriging is therefore
less adversely affected by sample clustering than other estimating methods, although it is compu-
tationally more difficult.
One characteristic of ordinary kriging is that, for selected functions, some of the sample weights
may be negative, although the sum of the sample weights will always be 1, a necessary condition
of unbiasedness. The result is that the procedure can yield estimates larger than the largest sample
value and smaller than the smallest sample value. Since the data set is unlikely to contain the most
extreme values, this is advantageous. A disadvantage is that negative estimates may also result.
These may be arbitrarily set to zero when negative values do not make physical sense, as in the case
of concentrations (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989). Selection of an appropriate model and model
parameters requires fitting available data with a suitable function. This procedure and the result of
varying the function parameters are extensively discussed in Isaaks and Srivastava (1989). Addi-
tionally, the random function model can be selected to reflect the degree of anisotropy of the site.
Obviously, judgment and experience are requisite to using this procedure.
Other methods of point estimation can be found in Isaaks and Srivastava (1989). While ordinary
kriging provides a method of obtaining point estimates, block kriging is a procedure for estimating
an average value within a prescribed block. The previously described estimating methods use the
spatial continuity of a single variable to provide estimates for unsampled points. Cokriging is a
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