![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C18
August 2000
Mission Bay, Thunder Bay, Canada, CDF Dike Core/Surface
Cover. An 81-ha CDF in Thunder Bay, Canada, was specifically built for
contaminated dredged material. A perimeter berm was constructed, incorpo-
rating a filter fabric and clay core. A "reservoir" cell was constructed for
temporary placement of materials dredged mechanically and transported by
To view figure
scow. Four interior cells were constructed for permanent storage. The mate-
larger, click here
rial is hydraulically rehandled from the reservoir cell to the permanent cells.
Once filled, the permanent cells are graded, covered with a layer of clean
Figure 27
topsoil, and seeded (Public Works Canada, Ontario Region 1991).
CONCLUSIONS: There are few CDFs where operational controls for containment or engineered
containment features have been implemented. Most of these sites are associated with sediment
remediation projects, which involve more highly contaminated sediments than normally associated
with navigation projects. Selective placement of contaminated materials below the water table or
water surface and maintenance of water levels within a CDF have been used as operational control
measures. Engineered CDF containment features used to date include liners, surface covers, and
dike or perimeter cutoffs for lateral seepage control. Contaminant control measures should be
considered to reduce or control impacts due to a contaminant release that exceeds a set criteria or
standard. However, in practice, many of the controls were implemented because of administrative
or regulatory mandate, with no analysis to establish the need for the control.
Liners have been designed and incorporated as constructed features for only a few CDFs, and most
of these were constructed in European countries. Materials used for liners have included synthetic
membranes such as HDPE, compacted clay, and placed fine-grained dredged material of acceptable
quality. Care should be taken to avoid damage during the placement of liner materials, especially
for in-water sites.
Surface covers for CDFs have been constructed with imported topsoil, clean dredged material, and
combinations of fabrics and soil layers. In many cases, cover materials may be placed directly over
dredged material, which is still at high water content, although special equipment such as conveyers
will be required to spread the initial layers.
Lateral seepage control features for CDFs include low-permeability dike cores constructed from
clay, sheetpile cutoff walls within the dike cross-section, and synthetic membranes or grout
mattresses placed on the inside face of the dike. Slurry walls have also been constructed along dike
perimeters of the CDF.
Design of these containment features has been on a case-by-case basis with little commonality from
site to site. Reports on effectiveness or criteria for evaluation of the measures are also poorly
documented in the open literature. There are no specific designs or construction guidelines for
engineered containment measures tailored to the conditions normally encountered with contami-
nated dredged material in CDFs.
The information in this technical note will be used in developing design and construction guidance
for CDF containment features under the Dredging Operations and Environmental Research (DOER)
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