![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C19
December 2000
or DRE) on the DNA. The binding of the complex to the DNA triggers the transcription of several
related genes (known as a gene battery), which code for the synthesis of a series of messenger RNA
(mRNA), which in turn are translated into proteins. The P450RGS cell line has been modified by the
insertion of plasmid DNA that links the DRE region to a transgene, the firefly luciferase gene. Bind-
ing of the TCDD-receptor complex to the DRE results in the production of the enzyme luciferase,
which can then be quantified in a luminescence assay. The gene insertion allows for an extremely
sensitive endpoint, luminescence, compared with the fluorescent endpoint typically measured for
the most commonly used native TCDD gene battery product, ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase
(EROD). Although this is an example of TCDD, the general model of specific receptor interaction
leading to transcription of specific gene batteries is similar for a wide variety of chemical
The P450RGS assay illustrates the potential savings and benefits offered by cell-based assays. Al-
though gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) is the definitive method for identifying
and determining the precise amount of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds present in an environmen-
tal sample, the method is expensive (~$1,200 -
$2,000 per sample). P450RGS is far less expen-
sive at about $200 per sample, and its use can result
in major cost savings when used to screen multiple
sediment cores to determine which samples should
be confirmed by GC-MS.
A recent field test of the cell-based assay demon-
strated the benefits of increased site characteriza-
tion (McFarland et al., in preparation). In this
study, five cores were taken from each of 13 sites
in a channel requiring dredging (Figure 2). Each
core was sectioned into 3-ft (0.9-m) intervals to
provide depth profiles for TCDD contamination
(Figure 3). All samples were analyzed in triplicate
with the P450RGS assay. At five of the sites, five
to ten additional cores were taken and composited
for GC-MS analysis. Due to the high cost of
TEQ predicted by cell assay
TEQ from chemistry data
GC-MS, no replicates were analyzed. The in-
creased coverage provided by the P450RGS assay
Figure 2. An example of the capabilities of the
(155 samples analyzed in triplicate for cell-based
P450RGS cell-based assay for
assays versus five samples with no replication for
increasing site characterization. The
GC-MS) resulted in a detailed and statistically ro-
correlation coefficient for the chemical
bust characterization of the contamination bound-
analysis and cell-based assay data
was r2 = 0.71. The TCDD Equivalent
aries within the channel. The P450RGS results
(TEQ) from chemical data represents
shown in Figure 3 indicated that the bulk of the
one composite sample, while the
contamination at sites 8, 12, and 13 was in the top
TEQ from the cell assay represents a
layer of the material to be removed. If only the
composite of 15 to 60 individual
GC-MS data were used to characterize the site,
extracts (depending on the depth of
most of the dredged material would be considered
the core)
contaminated. However, obtaining information of
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