![]() ERDC TN-DOER-C27
July 2002
c. Calculate initial investment. The initial construction cost will equal the sum of all
construction costs and IDC for each construction year.
d. Develop maintenance dredging cycle and associated costs, including
mobilization/demobilization, dredging, dewatering, transportation, and placement.
Sufficient placement capacity must be available to accommodate all maintenance material
for the entire period of analysis. All associated placement costs, such as CDF construction
or expansion, as well as facility maintenance costs, must be developed and included.
Timing for future costs must be established.
e. Calculate net present value (NPV). Determine NPV of all costs, including construction
costs, IDC, and anticipated future expenditures. Summing the present value for each
project year, beginning with the base year (project year 1) and continuing throughout the
period of analysis, results in the present worth of all project costs. NPV is given by
NPV= Σ P [1/ (1+i)t ]
P = Annual cost
i = Federal discount rate
t = Time (project year)
f. Compute average annual equivalent values (AAEV). Through amortization the
previously calculated present worth can be converted to an average annual equivalent.
This calculation results in representation of the total project costs spread uniformly across
the period of analysis. Average annual equivalent values have a common price level and
base year, making it simple to calculate potential benefits. AAEV is given by
AAEV = (NPV)* (i)* [(1 + i)n / (1 + i)n-1 ]
NPV = Net present value (all costs)
i = Federal discount rate
n = Project life
g. Determine the base condition. If more than one alternative is being considered for the
base condition, these steps must be completed for each alternative. The least costly
alternative, including initial investment, IDC, and future maintenance costs, is the base
condition. The selected alternative will have the lowest average annual equivalent value.
III. Calculate Separation Alternatives
a. Develop construction/dredging costs. These will be engineering costs, including all items
that will impact the total project costs. Such items include, but are not limited to,
mobilization/demobilization, dredging, dewatering, separation, transportation, and
placement. Separation alternatives must also consider the value of the coarse material as
a negative cost, or profit, from the process. Establish a construction period, annual
quantity dredged (in situ basis), annual quantity residuals requiring placement or offsite
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