![]() Technical Note DOER-C3
May 1999
2-mm screen. For saltwater sediments, the process also includes a sediment washing
procedure to remove soluble salts. After drying and grinding, the material is placed in 22-L
buckets, and reverse osmosis water is added at a ratio of 1:3 sediment to water. The mixture
is stirred with an electric stirrer and then allowed to settle. The water is then decanted, and
the drying and washing process is repeated two more times. This process usually reduces
the soluble salts concentrations to within levels suitable for most freshwater plants and
microbes. Another more rapid process involving oven-drying and oxidation with hydrogen
peroxide has been developed for predicting the long-term effects of drying and oxidation on
surface runoff water quality (WES 1998b) and is being considered as a replacement to the
above procedure for the plant tests. High levels of iron sulfides in some dredged materials,
such as Blackrock Harbor (Brandon et al. 1991), may result in extremely low pH (<3.0) after
the material dries and sulfide is oxidized. Additional tests for these conditions are described
in Appendix H of Lee et al. (1985).
Determining Plant Suitability Based on Agronomic Characteristics. Soils and
their chemical/physical characteristics vary widely, and even in some of the harshest soil
medium, there is a plant that can be established and survive. Selecting the appropriate plant
species is the key to establishing plant cover on dredged material. A systematic approach to
characterizing problem soil materials and selecting appropriate plant species is provided in
an instruction report for problem soils at CE construction sites (Lee et al. 1985). This
approach was successfully applied to the revegetation of dredged material for the Field
Verification Program CPF at Bridgeport, Connecticut (Brandon et al. 1991). Figure 5
summarizes the various physical and chemical analyses that should be considered in a phased
testing approach for dredged material considered for vegetation establishment. Once a
dredged material has been fully characterized, the appropriate plant species can be selected
according to the characterization results and the geographic location and climate. The
vegetation selection guide is provided in Appendix E in Lee et al. (1985), which is available
from the authors of this technical note.
The contaminant characterization will determine the type of phytoreclamation process
(Table 2) and the possible plant groups needed for evaluation. Some examples of phytore-
clamation demonstrations using various plants to perform various processes are shown in
Table 3. Plant species capable of accumulating significant levels of some metals are provided
in Table 4. Since the phytoreclamation technology is new and recent developments have
focused on certain plant species, the list of plants shown to be successful is limited. However,
this information can serve as a guide to the selection of appropriate plant types for further
evaluation. Geographic and climatic conditions at the phytoreclamation project site must
also be considered to ensure that appropriate plants are selected for the local growing season
and climate.
Plant Growth in Dredged Material and Effects of Amendments. Phytoreclamation
requires that plants survive on the material in which they are planted. Although the dredged
material characterization tests and plant guides described in the previous two sections indicate
the potential for plant growth, the singular or combined effects of various contaminants and/or
the effects of various amendments may alter this potential. Some useful screening tests for
this assessment are described by Sturgis et al. (1999) for both seed germination and plant
growth. The tests are designed to compare the effects of various manufactured soil blends,
consisting of dredged material and organic waste amendments, on plant biomass yields. For
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