August 2004
Figure 7. Predictive curve from dredged material self-weight and fixed-ring consolidation data (to convert
pounds per square foot (psf) to kPa, divide psf by 20.8)
Numerous correlations between physical index properties and engineering behavior properties
are available based on published data. For example, Wroth (1979) has shown that
LI = log(170/cu) / 2
cu = 170 e -4.6LI
LI = liquidity index
cu = undrained shear strength, kN/m2
e = 2.718
For the soil compression index Cc, Terzaghi and Peck (1967) showed that
Cc = 0.009 (LL-10)
and Wood and Wroth (1978) showed that
Cc = Gs PI / 200
Cc = compression index = change in void ratio per effective stress log cycle change
LL = liquid limit percent
Gs = specific gravity of solids
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