July 2000
Hopper volume.
Vessel (hopper) weight.
So, to evaluate the TDS method, how well each of these data parameters can be measured needs to
be determined. With the exception of hopper volume, each of these parameters is established in
dredging practice and is part of the Corps' standard dredge reporting. In addition to determining
TDS accuracy and repeatability, it is also important to compare its relative accuracy and repeatability
to those of hydrographic surveys.
Important requirements associated with TDS are quality assurance (having methods to check the
results), repeatability, and minimization of the labor and expense of obtaining, analyzing, and
reporting the data. The technology to implement a TDS pay system is available, and the Corps is
increasing its understanding of TDS.
TDS Theory. The following derivation of the TDS
equation is based on Rullens (1993). Dredged ma-
terial consists of both water and solid particles as
illustrated in Figure 1, but the concept of TDS can
be viewed as just the total mass of the dredged
material minus that of the included water. Assume
that Figure 1 contains 1 m3 of dredged material with
the solid particles surrounded by the water matrix.
If the percentage of volume occupied by the solid
particles is defined as the variable P, then the total Figure 1. Visualization of 1 m3 of dredged
mass of particles in the unit volume can be calculated
by multiplying P times the specific density of the
particles ρs. The remaining percentage of volume in the 1 m3 is occupied by water and can be
determined as 1 - P. The mass of this water then equals (1 - P) times the density of the water ρw,
The total mass of the 1 m3 of dredged material then equals
Pρs + 1 - P ρw
So, with the value of the average density of the dredged material in the hopper ρh, kg/m3, determined
by this indirect measurement methodology
ρh = Pρs + 1 - P ρw
ρ - ρw
P= h
ρs - ρw
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