August 2000
The final uncertainty analysis expression for the solids content in the hopper is:
LMF -ρh I F Uw I 2 + F ρw Uρ I 2
H ρh - ρw JK GH Wh JK GH ρm bρm - ρw g JK
FG U p - U p IJ + FG U p IJ
2 12
H ρi - ρw ρh - ρw K H ρi - ρw K
values and their associated uncertainties for calculating the percent uncertainty in production. In
practice, to obtain a reliable estimate of production uncertainty, comprehensive data on the project
area sediment and water properties should be collected. If sediment and water samples are taken
over the project area, a statistical analysis can be performed to determine the uncertainty in the mean
value of the variables used in the uncertainty calculation. Assuming that the variation of the sample
values follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution, confidence intervals can be defined for the sample
population. Based on a 95 percent confidence interval, the precision limit can be calculated for the
sample population. The precision limit (PL) is defined as:
FG σ N -1 IJ
PL = t
t = the t distribution value
N = number of samples
σN-1 = the standard deviation
For example, 10 in situ density measurements are made (N=10). The mean value was 1.913 g/cm3,
and the standard deviation (σN-1) was calculated to be 0.068312 g/cm3. For N-1 degrees of freedom,
and a 95 percent confidence level, the t distribution value is 2.262 (Coleman and Steel 1989).
Therefore the precision limit value is calculated to be 0.04887 g/cm3, and the uncertainty for the
mean value of the in situ density measurements is 1.913 0.04887 g/cm3.
UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS EXAMPLE CASES: To illustrate the utility of the uncertainty
analysis method, sample problems will be solved using production instrumentation and vessel
specifications from an example pipeline and hopper dredge. In the examples, it is assumed that an
adequate number of samples were taken to statistically define the variable uncertainties.
Example Pipeline Dredge Specifications. The production meter system on the example
pipeline dredge consists of a nuclear density gauge and a magnetic flow meter. The nominal dredge
pipe inside diameter (D) is 0.61 m and the average flow velocity in the pipe (V) is 4.57 m/sec. It is
assumed that the pipe diameter uncertainty is 0.00025 m (UD). For this example, it is assumed
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