March 2001
data, and formats and displays these data to the dredge crew to provide quality control of the
dredging project.
The DSS sends data in near real-time to the Ship Server (in a standard format), which is
another computer on the dredge loaded with Corps SI software. The Ship Server then
performs tasks that include automated review of data for quality assurance, data archival,
report generation, and graphical displays of data.
The Shore System provides the same functionality as the Ship Server, but has greater data
storage and data reporting capabilities. Data (which may include daily reports) are taken
from dredges either by wireless data link or magnetic media and are archived on the Shore
Figure 1 is an illustration of the SI system
components and configuration.
computers are also shown in Figure 1. These
inspector computers are additional onboard
computers such as a laptop personal computer or
hand-held computing device with SI software
that can connect to the Ship Server or Shore
System. They are an optional part of the system
that adds operational flexibility by allowing
multiple user access to the SI system throughout
the dredge. Dredging contractors are not required
to supply inspector computers (unless otherwise
noted in the specifications), and existing Corps
computers may be used as an inspector
computer. Shore-based SI users will typically
use their existing desktop computer to run the
freely available SI software and connect with the
SI database to view SI data.
Figure 1. SI system layout
The DSS and all shipboard sensors are the
property of the contractor, who is required to
maintain them. The contractor purchases the
Ship Server computer hardware for the Corps, and the Corps installs SI software on the Ship
Server computer. The Shore System consists of Corps-supplied hardware and software. The
Corps SI software on the Ship Server is similar for both hopper and pipeline SI systems. Both
hopper and pipeline dredge SI systems monitor dredge position and dredge state, and report and
manage these data for Corps dredging contracts. However, each system collects data and
computes measurements specific to each dredging type. The data collected by each SI system
are listed in Table 1. Additionally, the hopper dredge SI system computes Tons Dry Solids
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