March 2001
Table 1
Data Collected for Hopper and Pipeline Dredge SI Systems
Hopper Dredge
Pipeline Dredge
Horizontal position
Cutterhead horizontal position and depth
Hopper status (open/closed)
Slurry velocity and density
Tide level
Tide level or river stage
Ship speed and heading
Dredge heading
Material recovery and min. pump effort
Draft, displacement
Hopper ullage and volume
Draghead depth
Both hopper and pipeline dredge SI systems have been field proven through demonstration
projects. Recently, the SI system was implemented on two hopper dredges: Bean Stuyvesant's
Stuyvesant in May 2000, and the B+B Dredging Company Columbus (later renamed the
Columbia) in January 1998. Also in 1999, pipeline SI system implementation was tested on the
Corps dredge, the William A. Thompson.
IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS: The SI implementation process consists of developing and
defining the interactive Corps and dredging contractor relationship so that management decisions
can be obtained from a common basis of factual information. The SI System implementation
process is one of continuous improvement and is described in several major steps.
Step 1. Corps development of SI contract specifications and submittal of those specifications
to the contractor (via the contracting process)
submittal of the DPIP to the Corps
Step 3. Corps approval of the DPIP
Step 4. Contractor provides an operational SI system
Step 5. Corps installs SI software
Step 6. Corps inspects SI system
Step 7. Continued quality assurance testing and contractor quality control throughout
dredging operations (Corps and contractor)
Step 8. Incorporate lessons learned and technology improvements into the contract
specifications and repeat Steps 1-7 for subsequent projects
SI Contract Specifications. The SI contract specifications define and describe the Corps and
dredging contractor relationship with regard to SI system equipment, data collection, data quality
control, and data quality assurance. A Process Action Team (PAT) composed of dredging
contractors and the Corps developed an SI contract specification guide.
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