![]() Technical Note DOER-N2
April 1998
Review barge disposal logs.
View SPIs.
DAN-NY Hardware and Software
With the exception of the specialized software applications developed by SAIC and ASA, all
hardware and software for DAN-NY are nonproprietary and readily available. DAN-NY is used on
a PC with minimum capabilities of a 166-MHz CPU, 32 Mbytes of RAM, 2-Gbyte hard drive, and
6x CD-ROM. All software is 32-bit to increase operating speed; the operating system is Windows
NT 4.0; the GIS system is ArcView 3.0; and the database is Microsoft Access. A GIS expert is not
required to operate DAN-NY. Most of the functions a site manager would require have already
been built in. Present users of DAN-NY were proficient with the software after 2 days of training.
Training for the quick access features takes 2-3 hr.
DAN-NY Databases
Table 1 lists the data types and the number of each type of data populated in DAN-NY during
Phase 3. SAIC made a considerable effort to meet the METADATA standards now required. All
data entered into the database met SAIC's quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) specifications.
All data are provided on CD-ROMs, with periodic updates via new CD-ROMs.
Table 1
Data Types Initially Included in DAN-NY
Bathymetry (>27 surveys)
Sediment profile imagery (10 surveys)
Sediment chemical and physical analyses (7 surveys)
Barge disposal logs (1,785 logs)
Side-scan sonar (2 surveys/1 image)
Planform photographs (5 surveys)
Tissue analyses (chemical and physical) (4 surveys)
Disposal buoy locations (645 logs)
DAN-NY Application to the 1997 Capping Project
The beta version of DAN-NY was used to assist in the design of the capped contaminated sediment
mound project placed in the Mud Dump site during the summer of 1997 (Clausner et al. 1998). This
early version of DAN-NY proved to be extremely valuable in designing the operational plan for
placing 253 barge loads containing nearly 530 k m3 of contaminated material (McDowell et al.
1998). The resulting mound was being capped with approximately 1.5 M m3 of sand. During the
1997 capping project, DAN-NY's ability to display barge disposal locations, most of which were
provided by a barge-mounted silent inspector, proved to be invaluable for managing the project
(Pace et al. 1998).
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