December 2000
relating to the appropriate treatment of toxic pollutants in bottom sediments. Five areas were
specified in the act as requiring priority consideration in conducting demonstration projects:
Saginaw Bay, Michigan; Sheboygan Harbor, Wisconsin; Grand Calumet River, Indiana; Ashtabula
River, Ohio; and Buffalo River, New York.
To fulfill the requirements of the act, GLNPO initiated the Assessment and Remediation of
Contaminated Sediments (ARCS) program. The ARCS program completed a number of studies
describing alternative physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes and approaches for
design and implementation of treatment (Averett et al. 1990; USEPA 1994; PIANC 1996). The
ARCS program concluded that many technologies are available for treating contaminated
sediments, and that treatment is generally the most costly component with the least amount of
full-scale experience and will require additional development for full-scale application. The level of
experience in sediment remediation, particularly with treatment processes, is very limited, and there
is a high degree of uncertainty with the estimates of costs and contaminant losses from most of these
technologies. Reliable cost estimates are developed only through the experience that comes from
the execution and observation of multiple full-scale remediation projects.
Water Resources Development Act. The Water Resources Development Acts (WRDA) of
1990, 1992, 1996, and 1999 authorized funding for the purpose of demonstrating on a commercial
scale (up to 382,277 cu m (500,000 cu yd)) the capability to decontaminate contaminated dredged
material from the harbors of New York/New Jersey. The WRDA Decontamination Program has
resulted in the development and evaluation of both thermal and nonthermal technologies from the
laboratory and bench scale to the pilot and field scale. The goal of the WRDA Decontamination
Program is the construction and implementation of one or more sediment decontamination facilities
that result in a treatment train capable of producing a viable end product for beneficial use
applications such as construction or fill materials and agricultural grade topsoil (Jones et al. 1998).
Many of the technologies evaluated for the New York/New Jersey harbor sediments were reviewed
during this PIANC Specialty Workshop.
PIANC SPECIALTY WORKSHOP: Approximately 100 people attended the workshop,
representing the navigation industry, private consulting, environmental regulatory agencies, and
academia. The purpose of the workshop was to conduct a critical review of selected technologies
available for treating contaminated dredged sediments from navigation projects. In addition, the
beneficial use potential for each technology was assessed. Six invited speakers from private
industry gave presentations. Two luncheon speakers provided information on technologies used in
Europe. Technologies presented by the speakers included soil washing, flowable fill,
stabilization/solidification, electrochemical treatment, and production of blended cement, bricks,
glass aggregate and lightweight aggregate. A panel consisting of representatives from the
navigation industry, private consulting firms, and academia reviewed the technology applications
(Figure 1).
The speakers were requested to focus their presentations on the ability of their technologies to
handle the volumes of sediment and production rates typically associated with large-scale
navigation dredging projects. They were requested to address the following topics:
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