December 2000
Figure 1. Review panel
(1) Technology Description and Technology Availability
Description of the technology and its unique characteristics
Marketable products produced
Current availability and scale of demonstration
Capability of Technology Development Firms (TDFs) to fully implement technology
(2) Applicability to Large-Scale Navigation Projects
Quantity of dredged sediment (or other media) on which technology has been
Demonstrated ability to process dredged sediment (or other media) in excess of 35,000 cu-
bic yards per month
(3) Logistical and Regulatory Requirements
Degree of incorporation of the technology in an overall sediment management program
Amount of site preparation and required utilities for operation of technology plant
Particular facility siting requirements including land area
Environmental and/or regulatory barriers to technology implementation
(4) Net Cost
Potential profit from sale of product resulting from applying technology to dredged
Estimated costs for ranges of dredged sediment production rates and project size/duration
including production costs, delivery costs, and tipping fees
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