January 2001
A foundation to anchor the weir structure to
the bottom of the placement site in which it is
A framework to support the machinery that is
used to adjust the weir height.
A set of jackscrews to raise and lower the
crest of the weir.
A motor and gear mechanism to drive the
Control circuitry.
A battery power supply.
A solar panel to maintain the batteries in a
charged state.
A weatherproof enclosure for the controls.
A discharge pipe adapter.
A weir head gauge.
The weir itself consists of a set of nested cylin-
ders set on end with their axes vertical. The bot-
tom cylinder is fixed to a steel frame foundation
Figure 9. First weir installed at Craney Island CDF
that is anchored to a concrete pad at the bottom
of the placement site and connected to a dis-
charge pipe (Figure 10). The upper cylinders are extended in a telescoping manner to position the
rim of the top cylinder to any desired elevation below or above the water surface (Figure 11). As the
cylinders are lowered below the water surface, the decant water flows over the weir crest into the in-
terior sections, exits through the discharge pipe in the lower section, and returns to the nearby water-
way (Figure 12).
Figure 11. Extended telescoping cylinders at
Figure 10. Anchor and foundation of
telescoping weir
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