January 2001
Figure 12. Clear waters flowing over telescoping weir crest
The telescoping weir is set within and attached to the base of a reaction frame that provides support
for it and the machinery that controls the telescoping movements of the weir. The telescoping weir is
raised and lowered via mechanical jackscrews that operate simultaneously either manually or by
solar/battery-powered motor. Technical specifications for the major telescoping weir components
of the weirs installed at Craney Island are described in Appendix I.
ADVANTAGES OF THE TELESCOPING WEIR: The innovative telescoping weir has numer-
ous advantages. The principal advantage is being able to provide an infinite adjustment of the weir
crest elevation (within the design height of the weir) and discharge velocities at the touch of a button.
The crest of the telescoping weir can be lowered easily to the bottom of the desiccation cracks in the
dredged material. This flexibility also provides efficient control of surface runoff, enhancement of
the desiccation and the drying processes, and some measure of mosquito control. The telescoping
weir reduces labor requirements and costs through the elimination of weir board handling, weir
board replacement, weir maintenance, and possible weir failure. The telescoping weir promotes
safer field operations, which is another significant advantage. It can be equipped with a variety of
sensors to measure effluent turbidity, temperature, pH, and oxygen levels. Most significantly, this
innovative technology provides a new standard for weirs used in confined placement areas for
dredged material that has been very difficult to improve upon for many years.
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