January 2001
There shall be a covered manhole in the platform to allow access to the interior of the weir
when it is fully raised.
A ladder shall extend from the lower end of the framework to the platform. The ladder shall be
strong enough to support one end of an aluminum catwalk of up to 40 ft in length and a mini-
mum weight of 800 pounds, plus an additional weight of 1,000 pounds for personnel and
The platform shall include handrails adjacent to the top of the ladder to protect personnel
standing on the platform.
Jackscrews. The jackscrews shall be a set of three Acme screw assemblies, sufficient in length to
reach from the framework platform to the top of the weir crest sections when fully retracted. Each
screw shall be mounted to operate as a translational actuator (no rotation of the screw). Each screw
passes vertically through a worm gear drive on the drive mechanism platform; the three actuators
shall be mechanically coupled so that the screws are drawn up in unison to hold the weir crest level
throughout its travel. One jackscrew shall be fitted with an electrical limit switch, set to stop weir
travel 1 in. short of the mechanical stops. Each screw shall be protected from sediment and debris by
a bellows-type boot that prevents sediments from being carried into the actuator drive as the screw
passes through. The boot may be permeable to water; however, the actuator shall be of bronze con-
struction to protect it from corrosion. System backlash due to construction and monitoring of the
jackscrews shall not result in an out-of-level condition at the weir crest in excess of 0.25 in.
Motor and Gear Mechanism. There shall be a d-c gear motor, rated at not less than 1/3 horse-
power. Batteries that are recharged by a solar cell array so that they can automatically renew their
charge after any adjustment of the weir shall power it. The motor speed shall be geared down to de-
liver a linear actuation force to the jackscrews of not less than 10,000 lbf total, and a linear velocity at
the weir crest of not less than 2 in. per minute.
Controls. The controls shall be divided into three classes:
Local controls.
Remote controls.
Manual controls.
The local and remote controls are essentially the same and provide manual operation of the weir
height adjustment. The difference is that the remote controls allow weir adjustment by hand-held
control from up to 100 ft away while the local controls are located on the weir platform.
Battery Power. Conventional 12-volt automobile storage batteries shall be used, carrying a charge
sufficient to operate the weir through a full cycle of extension and retraction.
Solar Panel. A solar panel shall be provided having sufficient capacity to fully recharge the system
batteries within 5 days of average weather conditions after they have been discharged by operating
the weir through a full extend and retract cycle. It shall be mounted on a mast that allows it to be
aimed in the direction and azimuth best suited to the latitude at the weir site.
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