January 2001
Shelter. A weatherproof shelter to protect the control and drive mechanisms shall enclose the up-
per platform of the framework with the following requirements:
The shelter shall provide room for personnel to stand while performing routine inspection and
It shall be accessed through a door capable of being locked.
The door shall be located to allow adequate space on the platform outside of the door to stand
while the door is being opened.
The interior shall be lighted.
The shelter shall be designed to prevent birds from entering and roosting.
Discharge Pipe Adapter. The adapter shall be a separate cylindrical piece having the same diam-
eter as the discharge port of the base section. The adapter shall have a bolt flange at one end matched
to the flange of the discharge port and a bolt flange at the other end matched to the flange of the dis-
charge pipe selected by the customer.
Weir Head Gauge. A float-actuated pointer shall be mounted at the weir crest to measure the
height of the water flowing over the crest with the following requirements:
The gauge shall register over a range of 0 to 8 in.
The gauge shall be visible and legible both from the control box on the weir platform and from
any point within 100 ft in front of the weir.
life under normal operating conditions without replacement, except that seals and protective boots
subject to incidental damage and abrasion may need to be replaced more frequently.
tions. All operating parts of the weir and its control equipment will be accessible for replacement in
the event of damage.
Environmental Conditions. The weir and associated equipment will be designed for continuous
exposure to sea water, fresh water, and salt spray over the course of its service life.
Construction Materials. All telescoping weir sections will be made of type 304 stainless steel or
better. The base sections, foundation, and framework will be of structural steel. The shelter frame
will be of steel angle; its sheathing will be nonmetallic. All non-stainless steel will be protected with
a marine grade coating system, the highest corrosion resistance epoxy, or zinc-base paint.
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