October 2004
suspended solids, cake dryness or density, and polymer requirements. The bench press facilitates
the correlation between performance of the compression zones of the press and changes in one or
more of these variables. A gravity test drainage kit is also included to simulate drainage of the
sludge in the gravity zone of the belt press (Figure 12). The actual sludge sample volume
required for testing must be calculated, but typically ranges from 100 ml to 400 ml. More
complete information regarding the equipment and recommended testing procedures can be
found in the Crown PressTM Owners Manual (Neogen Corporation 1992), which is also available
on-line, and in Severin et al. (1998).
Figure 11. Crown PressTM
Figure 12. Crown PressTM gravity test kit
Chamber Filter Press. This bench-top unit models
the plate and frame press (Figure 13). Approximately
1 L of slurry is fed into the top of the unit and is
compressed to about the size of a hockey puck. The
properties of the compressed cake can be measured
and utilized in scaling up the process. Testing units
like this are made by a number of manufacturers. The
Plate and Frame Press. This unit is a lab-scale
version of the full-scale plate and frame press. The
unit may be equipped with single or multiple
chambers, with a filter volume ranging from
Figure 13. Chamber filter press
approximately 1.0 ft3 to 2.6 ft3, and maximum
Personal communication. March 24, 2004, Robert Hamm, Lab Director/Process Development Mgr. U.S.
Filter/JWI Inc., Holland, MI 49414.
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