![]() Framework for Dredged Material Management
May 2004
Figure 1-1. Geographical Jurisdictions of the MPRSA and CWA
1.4.2 Overview of MPRSA
Section 102 of the MPRSA requires USEPA, in consultation with USACE, to
disposal activity is allowed to proceed. Section 103 of the MPRSA assigns to the USACE
the specific responsibility for authorizing the ocean disposal of dredged material. In
evaluating proposed ocean-disposal activities, the USACE is required to apply the
Criteria developed by USEPA relating to the effects of the proposed disposal activity. In
addition, in reviewing permit applications, the USACE is also required to consider
navigation, economic, and industrial development, and foreign and domestic commerce,
as well as the availability of alternatives to ocean disposal. USEPA has a major
environmental oversight role in reviewing the USACE determination of compliance with
the ocean-disposal Criteria relating to the effects of the proposed disposal. If USEPA
determines ocean-disposal Criteria are not met, disposal may not occur without a waiver
For purposes of this report, Criteria (capitalized) refer to criteria developed by the Environmental
Protection Agency under Section 102 of MPRSA relating to the effects of the proposed dumping.
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