![]() CL
Figure 8.
Weeks Marine dredge positioning system (with ranges, CL, and dustpan positions annotated)
a. With any dredging position with an approximate range R > +100 ft, the
deep-draft vessels could pass with no interruption to dredging because
just the cross-channel wire was dropped to allow the vessels to pass.
During the time the wire was dropped, there was no significant decrease
in production noted on the density meter (usually 2 to 4 min long for one
passing vessel). The length of time required to release tension on the
cross-channel wire and drop it to the bottom was less than 5 sec.
b. Given the volume of deep-draft vessels passing during the demonstration
(in 6 days 143 vessels with drafts greater than 20 ft passed), the
Beachbuilder could not dredge in the negative range (LDB) side of the
channel for a continuous interval longer that 1 hr 45 min. The number of
deep-draft vessels passing during the demonstration was estimated to be
slightly below average (as per communication with Captain Michael
Lorino, President of the Mississippi River Bar Pilots Association).
Chapter 4
Dredging Operational Characteristics Analyses
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