![]() 6
Feasibility Analyses
Potential Project Applicability
The feasibility of using this dredging methodology at HOP depends on
numerous technical, economical, and social aspects. The feasibility analysis in
this report primarily addresses technical aspects as outlined in "Assessment of
Coastwide Louisiana Maintenance Dredging Capabilities under the Federal
The June 2002 flexible-dustpan dredging demonstration project illustrated
that the Beachbuilder or a similar dustpan dredge can work safely at the HOP and
move significant amounts of dredged material out of the channel and place this
material for the beneficial use of marsh creation/restoration. The dredged mate-
rial can be transferred long distances by pipeline over the existing dike, pasture-
land, and wetlands and directly discharged into shallow open-water areas without
need for re-handling or construction of disposal facilities. A dustpan dredge
would prove most efficient at the HOP working on the RDB side of the channel
(inside of the bend) where the shoaling tends to be the greatest and the dredge
can operate almost continuously while allowing passage of most deep-draft
vessel traffic. Working the RDB side also removes the dredge from a potential
collision hazard caused by a passing vessel that, if it were to lose propulsion
power and be pulled by the current toward Pass A Loutre, would drift into the
LDB side and possibly the dredge itself.
A flexible-discharge dustpan dredge would require self-propulsion capa-
bilities similar to the Beachbuilder during the demonstration (provided by
external tugs or with in-hull plant). The flexible-discharge floating hose allows
the dredge to move across the total width of the channel but limits its movement
up and down the channel (based on the total length of the floating hose). Move-
ment beyond this range requires interruption of dredging operations while the
hard point is moved and submerged line is added or removed (if only one hard
point and submerged line is used as in this demonstration). As a result, the dust-
pan discharge line configuration, as used in this demonstration, is most efficient
where continuous thick shoals are present and minimal movement of the hard
point is required. The dustpan dredge would not be as efficient in addressing spot
shoaling over long distances up and down the channel where frequent movement
of the hard point and associated pipeline would be required. Such conditions
would be more efficiently addressed using hopper dredges. The demonstration
Chapter 6
Feasibility Analyses
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