![]() For this particular demonstration and location, a flexible-discharge dustpan
dredge proved most efficient at the HOP working on the RDB side of the channel
(inside of the bend) where shoaling tends to be greater and the dredge can operate
almost continuously while allowing passage of most deep-draft vessels. Working
the RDB side also removes the dredge from the potential hazard of a passing
vessel losing power and drifting toward the LDB side (and dredge) by current
flow into Pass A Loutre.
With use of just one hard point/discharge pipeline, the dredging of numerous
spot shoals separated by relatively long distances (distances that would require
the discharge line to be relocated numerous times) would be more efficiently
accomplished using hopper dredges (the use of multiple hard points/discharge
lines was not investigated during the demonstration). The safety aspects and
operational characteristics determined by this demonstration will provide infor-
mation necessary to determine if a flexible-discharge dustpan dredge will be
feasible for use in other specific reaches of the Mississippi River and in other
navigation types of dredging projects (with free-flowing, relatively noncohesive
material) such as construction and maintenance of sediment traps.
Relevant operational characteristics of the Beachbuilder determined from the
demonstration project were compared to corresponding criteria in the 1998 publi-
cation "Assessment of Coastwide Louisiana Maintenance Dredging Capabilities
under the Federal Standard." The demonstration provided experience in the use
of a flexible-discharge dustpan dredge. Although the utility of this type of dredge
in pumping 15,000 ft was not directly proven, the dredge could have achieved
this pumping distance as per the conclusions previously presented. Mobility-
related operational characteristics from this demonstration will provide informa-
tion necessary to evaluate dredge mobility in working between specific dredging
assignments and in sailing between specific dredging regions. The Beachbuilder
demonstrated the capability to conduct shore placement of dredged material in a
relatively long pumping distance mode. The minimum-acceptable dredging rate
of 24,000 cu yd/day in the assessment criteria was achieved by the Beachbuilder
(27,768 cu yd/day) given the demonstration conditions previously discussed.
These demonstration results identified a flexible-discharge dustpan dredge's
capability for safely yielding to vessel passage, but, due to the fact that the entire
project was conducted at the HOP, the dredge's capability in challenging sea
conditions was not demonstrated.
Areas were identified where changes could improve the efficiency of the
flexible-discharge dustpan dredge operation. These recommendations include
both operational as well as equipment-related aspects for future flexible-
discharge dustpan operations at the HOP or in other regions and applications.
The use of a contract Mississippi River Bar Pilot onboard the dredge helped
ensure the government of achieving its mission to maintain safe navigation. The
pilot assisted in vessel traffic coordination and allowed the leverman to concen-
trate more fully on maximizing dredge production (with no in-hull propulsion,
Chapter 7
Conclusions and Recommendations
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