![]() Dustpan Dredge Demonstration at the Head of Passes (HOP)
June 6 13, 2002
Mississippi River Bar Pilot Survey
Introduction: This survey is part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' ongoing effort to
maintain safe navigation in the Lower Mississippi River. The Dustpan Demonstration
was conducted to demonstrate safe navigation and dredging operations of the flexible
discharge dustpan dredge on the Mississippi River in the HOP area while obtaining
sufficient production capability to dredge and place material in a designated marsh
construction site. Your assistance is needed in determining the navigation safety aspects
of operating this type of dredge at the HOP, and your participation in this survey is
valuable input and is greatly appreciated.
Instructions: Please circle or check the answer that best represents your opinion. Space
is provided for supplement responses with comments if desired. If you have any
questions about this survey, please don't hesitate to contact Timothy Welp (telephone
601-634-2083, email ). After finishing the survey,
please fax to (601)-634-3151, attention Timothy Welp.
Name (Optional)
Years of Piloting Experience? ____ years
How were you involved with the dustpan demonstration (check one or more)?
Stood a watch on the dredge's pilothouse during the demonstration
Piloted a vessel past the dredge during the demonstration
Heard about the demonstration
Don't know anything about it
1. For those of you who were involved in the dustpan demonstration, please circle the
answer that best represents your opinion for the following statements and comment why.
SA=Strongly Agree A=Agree U=Undecided D=Disagree SD=Strongly Disagree
The operation of a dustpan dredge (like the dredge Beachbuilder used in the
demonstration) with propulsion and flexible discharge presents an acceptable risk to
navigation in the vicinity of the HOP.
Appendix A
Bar Pilot Survey
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