![]() 2. If your answer to Question 1 was U (Undecided), D (Disagree) or SD (Strongly
Disagree), are there any modifications that could be made to the dredging operation (i.e.,
limiting dredge operating area to right descending bank side-of-channel, or requiring a
licensed Pilot be onboard dredge while dredging) that would change your answer to SA
or A?
YES ____
NO ____
If the answer to Question 2 was yes, please list the modification(s) that would change
your answer.
3. For those of you who were involved in the dustpan demonstration, please circle the
answer that best represents your opinion for the following statements and comment why.
SA=Strongly Agree A=Agree U=Undecided D=Disagree SD=Strongly Disagree
The operation of a dustpan dredge (like the dredge Beachbuilder used in the
demonstration) with propulsion and flexible discharge presents an acceptable risk to
navigation when working in other sections of the channel that don't require a deep-draft
vessel to take up as much of the channel while maneuvering (i.e., at the HOP where the
setup caused by Pass A Loutre and South Pass currents influence an outbound vessel).
4. If your answer to Question 3 was U (Undecided), D (Disagree) or SD (Strongly
Disagree), are there any modifications that could be made to the dredging operation (i.e.,
limiting dredge operating area to right descending bank side-of-channel, or requiring a
licensed Pilot be onboard dredge while dredging) that would change your answer to SA
or A?
YES ____
NO ____
Appendix A
Bar Pilot Survey
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