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Sequence for Capping
Design Philosophy for Capping
Capping is not a form of unrestricted open-water placement. A cap-
ping operation is an engineered project with carefully considered design,
construction, monitoring, and maintenance to ensure that the design is ade-
quate. A successful capping project requires a team approach with input
from engineers, biologists/ecologists, chemists, and dredging operations
experts. The basic criterion for a successful capping operation is that the
cap thickness required to isolate the contaminated material from the envi-
ronment be successfully placed and maintained.
Dredged Material Capping Functions
A dredged material cap can serve three primary functions:
a. Physical isolation of the contaminated dredged material from the
benthic environment.
b. Stabilization of contaminated material, preventing resuspension and
transport to other sites.
overlying water column.
If a dredged material is unsuitable for open-water placement due to po-
tential contaminant impacts, physical isolation of the dredged material
from the benthic environment and from resuspension and transport offsite
would normally be primary functions of a dredged material cap. Control
of contaminant flux may be a desired function, depending on the sediment
characteristics, site conditions, and other factors.
Chapter 2 Design/Management Sequence for Capping
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