![]() b. Spreading or mounding behavior of the contaminated material
or cap material (even with consideration of controls) indicates that
the required cap cannot be effectively placed.
c. Energy conditions or operational conditions at the site are such that
the required cap thickness cannot be effectively maintained in the
long term.
d. Institutional constraints do not provide the ability to commit to the
long-term monitoring and management requirements.
Under such circumstances, other options for placement of the contaminated
sediments must be considered.
Organization of this Report
The main body of this report describes specific procedures for all as-
pects of capping-project evaluation and design. A number of appendixes are
also included that provide detailed information on specific testing proce-
dures, predictive models, etc. Chapter 2 describes the recommended se-
quence of design activities, and specific design steps are organized into
flowcharts as necessary.
Chapter 1 Introduction
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