![]() c. Predict contaminated mound geometry. An accurate prediction of
contaminated mound geometry is one of the most critical steps in
LBC project design. There are two primary methods to determine
mound geometry ranging from fairly simple to complex. The sim-
ple method is to assume a basic shape (e.g., a truncated cone or rec-
tangular prism with sloping sides), then estimate side slopes and
an apron width. A spreadsheet is an effective method to test a
range of expected heights and crest dimensions on footprint dimen-
sions and the corresponding cap volume required. A more rigorous
method is to use a numerical model such as the MDFATE model
(Moritz 1994; Moritz and Randall 1995) to predict mound geome-
try. Use of a numerical model allows the user to investigate the
impact of changing operations (disposal pattern, barge size, barge
velocity, etc.) on mound geometry.
d. Is the calculated contaminated mound geometry suitable? After
the contaminated mound footprint and elevation have been calcu-
lated, the project manager/designer must decide if the predicted
contaminated mound geometry meets project needs. The two basic
concerns are as follows: Will all the contaminated material (and
cap material) stay within any surface area constraints? Is the eleva-
tion of the capped mound sufficiently low so as not to interfere
with navigation and not experience excessive erosion? A reason-
able buffer distance between the edge of the contaminated mound
and the site boundary is 100 to 200 m. If the answer to both ques-
tions is yes, then the designer can proceed to the next step, comput-
ing cap volume required (described in more detail in Chapter 7 and
Appendix H). If the contaminated mound is predicted to spread
too near or over the site boundary or is too high, then the following
options should be investigated.
e. Calculated contaminated mound footprint is too large. If the
contaminated mound footprint extends beyond the site boundary or
is so large that the cost or volume of cap material required is a
problem, several options are possible. Once again the simplest so-
lution (but probably unattractive from the project perspective) is to
reduce the volume of material being placed. One option to reduce
spread is to make the mound taller by reducing the size of the area
over which disposal takes place. The mound shape can be changed
to make better use of available space; e.g., for the 1993 Port Newark/
Elizabeth project conducted in New York District, a triangular-
shaped mound was used. Figure 17 shows the rectangular mound
dimensions in the original design and Figure 18 shows the triangu-
lar mound design modification. Other options include dredging
pits and/or placing confining berms around the area (essentially
creating a CAD) or using a diffuser to reduce spread. A opera-
tional change such as reducing the barge velocity, changing ap-
proach direction of the disposal vessels, or disposing only when
the currents are in a favorable direction are other possible options.
To evaluate such options will require using a numerical model.
Long-term planning can help to create a de facto CAD site. Over a
period of several years, the New England Division made a series
of small mounds around a portion of their Central Long Island
Chapter 6 Sediment Dispersion and Mound Development and Site Geometry During Placement
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