![]() storms but possess sufficient variability to fill in the gaps in the historical
To perform the EST, historical storms impacting a site are broken down
into the parameters that impact the engineering aspect of interest: storm
track, maximum winds, radius to maximum, pressure deficit, etc. These
variables are termed input vectors. The storm response of interest, in this
case vertical erosion of the capped mound, is also calculated for each his-
torical storm using an appropriate model (in this case LTFATE is used).
The response of interest is referred to as a response vector. During EST
simulations, N-repetitions (say 100 or more) of T-year responses (say 100
to 200 years) of the response vector of interest (vertical erosion for cap-
ping projects) are produced providing mean value frequency relationships
with accompanying confidence limits such that probability of occurrence
can be defined with error band estimates. In other words, the mean verti-
cal erosion for a range of return intervals with confidence limits (based on
the number of standard deviations) are produced by the EST procedure.
Application of the EST to a capping project involves a series of sequen-
tial steps to calculate the cap erosion thickness. A description of these
specific steps are provided in Appendix G, using the Mud Dump study
mentioned above as an example. The remainder of this section summarizes
the required steps and concludes with specific recommendations on how
to translate frequency of erosion values into a cap erosion layer thickness.
To define the required cap erosion layer thickness as a function of
depth at a specific site, the following procedure was developed. It con-
sists of a site-specific quantitative analysis approach. First, an appropri-
ate set of storms, both tropical and extratropical for east coast sites, and
tropical for Gulf coast sites, have to be selected. Next, the hydrodynamic
inputs (the time series of storm surge levels and tide elevations, their re-
sulting currents, and wave heights and periods) for the selected storms
have to be developed for input to an erosion model such as the LTFATE
model. These inputs are often developed using a 3-D ocean circulation
model such as ADCIRC (Luettich, Westerink, and Scheffner 1992) or
CH3D (Scheffner et al. 1994).
After the water level, current, and wave data for specific storms are
available and in the proper format, LTFATE can be run to calculate the
thickness of the layer eroded by each storm for a range of capped mound
configurations (elevations and cap materials). These data are then input
into the EST program, which makes 100 or more simulations of mound
erosion over a long time period (100-200 years). The results can then be
analyzed with standard statistical techniques to produce frequency of ero-
sion estimates for the various mound configurations tested. Finally, the
frequency of erosion estimates, including expected annual erosion and the
longer return period erosion estimates, are converted into a design erosion
layer thickness.
The following paragraphs discuss the results of such a study and how
these can be used to compute erosion layer thickness.
Chapter 8 Long-Term Cap Stability
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