![]() Recommended procedure for computing erosion layer
thickness and selecting a design cap erosion thickness
This section describes a recommended procedure for computing the ero-
sion layer thickness for open-water capping sites. Also provided is a dis-
cussion on how the erosion thicknesses can be used to select the design
erosion thickness for the cap.
One of the primary outputs of a frequency of erosion study will be a se-
ries of curves similar to the one shown in Figure 28. This figure shows
the return period frequency of a given amount of vertical erosion for a
year of extratropical storms acting on a mound in the Mud Dump site with
a base depth of 73 ft and an 8-ft-high mound for a crest depth of 65 ft.
The solid curve is the mean erosion predicted based on 100 simulations;
error bars define plus or minus one standard deviation. Values from the
curve can be translated into a tabular form. For northeast coast sites that
experience both tropical and extratropical storms, the values from both
types of storm are combined into a single return frequency table, such as
the one as shown in Table 6 generated for the Mud Dump site.
Figure 28.
Frequency of vertical erosion from extratropical storms acting on a mound in Mud Dump
site with a base depth of 73 ft and an 8-ft-high mound for a crest depth 65 ft
Chapter 8 Long-Term Cap Stability
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